Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why is it that we live by time? It seems like whenever we have to go somewhere, we are either late or early, but it's never just the right time. In class we are always looking at the clock and thinking about what is going to happen in the next couple of minutes. Why don't we ever live for the minute we are in?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

one of my dreams...
The walls were damp with a green slime. The air had a cold draft. The walls were similar to the walls of a water well. Slimed over bricks were piled on top of eachother and seemed to go on endlessly in both directions. Forever. All around there were little creatures that could fly. For anyone that has seen Sleeping Beauty they would recognize these creatures as the henchmen of the evil Maleficent. They flew around me and my little sister Lydia. We were sitting in a huge bucket that was attatched to a rope and we were slowly being lowered into a dark abyss of nothingness. I could fly, but my little sister was helpless and at the mercy of our captors. Suddenly, and I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier, I swooped down and scooped Lydia out of the bucket and a window suddenly appeared in the wall(it's a typical dream) and I crashed through the window with Lydia...and I woke up.

Monday, March 23, 2009

character description...
Clureax(Clurr o)-Clureax is the daughter of Surbald, a famous river pirate, a kind of Robin Hood, steal from the rich to give to the poor type of guy. When Surbald gets killed in a battle against the evil King Zhon V, he leaves behind his young daughter to be in charge of his band of river pirates. Clureax is the kind of girl that you wouldn't find cleaning the house, cooking dinner, or sewing socks. She spends her time robbing the rich and giving to the poor. Because of this good deed, there is a hight price on her head. She also denounced King Zhon as king of the land and proclaimed that the real heir to the throne was murdered by the greedy young king. Because the king is struggling to maintain the peace over his land as it is, he vehemenently seeks out the young pirate. Clureax is a very loyal sort of person. Once a friend a friend she will ever remain.
i remember...
being terrified of my first day of school and wondering what kind of a mother left her kid there. i remember racing through the trees on the hill at the crater not wanting to get tagged by the "bad" guy(my cousin)and feeling like i could never get tired. i remember warm sunny days eating popcicles and laying on the hot sidewalk after a cold swim in the cow trough. i remember sledding behind the sleigh while the team pulled it. i remeber the lost and empty feeling at my baby cousins funeral and wondering why he never got to experience life like i had. i remember the euphoric feeling of finishing jr. miss and remebering the fun time i had doing it. i remember feeding lambs at one in the morning hoping that i could get them to have a better life expectancy rate. i remember my dad carrying me into the emergency room after i broke my ankle and how thankful i was that he was there. i remember...

Friday, March 20, 2009

the smell of rain brings back memories of...
sitting on a horse freezing and wishing the cows would walk faster
sad stories that make me cry
riding in the mountains right after it has rained and loving it
sage brush
splashing in the puddles
the sound of rain pounding on the roof
standing in the door way of the barn just watching it rain
in my family we have all sorts of nicknames for eachother. some good and some...well you know how it goes when you get mad at eachother haha. so i thought i would go through and just give our main ones and the stories behind them...
lancer...a.k.a. my padre
this is what my grandpa is always calling my dad. i'm not exactly sure why but he does. we don't really have a nickname for my dad in our family because dad fits him so well.
stewaski...a.k.a. mother
i don't know how to spell it. when my mom was little, her aunt affectionately called her favorite neice by this name. and so my dad took it upon himself to keep the nickname alive.!
if ya'll went to jr. miss, you heard the reason behind this. my uncle jesse loves to talk to little kids and he has all sorts of nicknames for them. when i was little, this was mine and it just kinda stuck. layne would try and say it but couldn't so it came out Ikee.
my mom called layne this when he was a baby and it just stuck.
when reilly was little, he had this shirt covered in sharks and he wore it all the time. later he got a tie with sharks on it so we called him sharky.
when lydia was little she couldn't say her w so she said bubbleboo and it fit her bubbly little personality. now i call her liddy because bubbleboo is a little bit too little for her.
this is something i call rachel all the time just because it fits her:)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

C Ha O s!!!
you wake up in the morning, its 7:15 the bus comes at 7:30. o crap! your starving because the last thing you ate the night before just wasn't enough. but you have to choose between eating a whole and nutritious breakfast or at least making yourself look like you got up at 7:10 instead of 5 minutes later:) you choose to look nice because people notice when you look like you came to school looking like you rolled outta bed at 7:20. you go turn on your straightener so that it warms think you can beat the system by multitasking, so maybe you can squeeze in a pancake(mom woke up on time)"make your bed!" mom is unforgiving because she got up on time. so you make your bed. it's 7:19. you thought you had managed your first four waking minutes better than that! you go to pick out your clothes but no matter what you put on, it doesn't magically transform you from droopy bedhead to drop dead gorgeous, instead it seems to say WHA BLAM!! she woke up late! you have now unsuccessfully tried on every shirt in your ward robe and now the entire contents of your drawer are laying in a...dare you say it...chaotic pile. moms sure to catch that one. 7:25 who is messing with that clock!? you give up and put on a baggy sweatshirt, jeans, and tennis shoes and think...well that's attractive! pony tail day. plugging in the straightener was a waste of a precious 10 seconds because you have to unplug it after never using it. 7:29 you could add a new event in the olympics to see what teenage girl could make herself look...ok in the least amount of time. you would win. 7:31. the bus is late, you could have used that minute to down a whole pancake with syrup. 7:32 well maybe you can make time for that pancake. you just get the syrup on and you sit down...THE BUS IS HERE! dang. as you walk out the door you wonder to yourself, does anyone else have these kinda days?