Monday, March 23, 2009

i remember...
being terrified of my first day of school and wondering what kind of a mother left her kid there. i remember racing through the trees on the hill at the crater not wanting to get tagged by the "bad" guy(my cousin)and feeling like i could never get tired. i remember warm sunny days eating popcicles and laying on the hot sidewalk after a cold swim in the cow trough. i remember sledding behind the sleigh while the team pulled it. i remeber the lost and empty feeling at my baby cousins funeral and wondering why he never got to experience life like i had. i remember the euphoric feeling of finishing jr. miss and remebering the fun time i had doing it. i remember feeding lambs at one in the morning hoping that i could get them to have a better life expectancy rate. i remember my dad carrying me into the emergency room after i broke my ankle and how thankful i was that he was there. i remember...

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