Monday, April 6, 2009

Holocaust Museum
The Holocaust Museum was a very sobering experience. I couldn't believe that people had to go through something so terrible. I couldn't believe that anyone could think up such a disturbing idea as trying to wipe out an entire race. There were pictures and videos that all left me thinking that Hitler was very evil and ridiculously stupid. The pictures of children and just the thought of what they experienced is what bothered me the most. They didn't have a chance. They were killed immediatly. And to think they could have been the founders for a cure for cancer, a world leader that established peace, or just simply someone who made a difference. But they never would be given that opportunity. I think that the Holocaust Museum was a good thing for me to see. Those people need to be remebered and people need to be informed of what can happen if bad people come into control.

1 comment:

  1. I never made it to this particular museum. I didn't want to take Peyts in there and not be able to enjoy it. I've heard it is a very powerful place to be. I can't imagine them doing this either.
