Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"People actually do that!?!" this was what was going through my mind the day before the blood drive.
"You can save three lives." Ya but its going to hurt I thought. But I kept telling myself, "You're gonna save three lives." The day arrived and I nervously entered the school. I sat in first hour and tried to block out the sarcastic and freaky comments the boys are saying trying to scare us. 11:15...dooms day! I walk into the gym to see kids and teachers sitting in chairs with white, frightened expressions on their faces. I get through with reading the entire pamphlet and go and sit on the chair to wait to get some tests done to make sure I'm "healthy" enough. The lady calls me over and she starts asking me questions like what my name is, where I live, and my race and so on. Then she pauses and looks at me and asks, "How much do you weigh?" So I told her. I guess there is a weight limit because I didn't quite make it. I had mixed feelings. I was relieved becasue I had been really worried before, but I felt bad because then it would be an entirely new experience for next year. All that worrying for no good reason.

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