Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Snow in April!
This morning I was all set to go running. I could hear the wind howling outside, but told myself that it wouldn't be that bad. I rushed up the stairs to get something to eat before i went running. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a flash of white out the window. No! I turned so I could more fully see what I hoped wasn't real. It was. It was a fresh blanket of snow carpeting the once green grass and brown dirt. I decided against running. My mom started a fire in the fire place because it was kind of chilly owing to the wintry weather. As I was coming up the stairs the smell reminded me of Christmas. That would have been fine if it wasn't April :)

1 comment:

  1. I actually remember a few times it has snowed in June. I'll take April snow, but after that it has to quit! I'm impressed by your come you don't do track?

    Mrs. Scott
