Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinderella gone wrong...
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful woman named Molly. Molly was a widow with two beautiful daughters. One was named Katy and the other was named Sue. Molly, Katy, and Sue all lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of medieval Hamer. Hamer was famous for its calm, sunny days and never ending summers. So naturally, it was a thriving metropolis. Knights and ladies from around the world came to enjoy the tranquil Hamer setting. Being the smart business woman that she was, Molly built a quaint hotel by Camas Creek for the weary travelers. She ran it with the help of her two beautiful daughters. And so they were happy. But not everyone was quite as fortunate as this small family. Unkown to the public lived several lazy people who had nothing because they did nothing and just expected someone else to do all their work. One day, that person came. His name was Walter. Walter believed that everyone needed a fair chance and so he decided that he would make all the "wealthy" people pay so much of their earnings so he could give it to the "financially unstable". Walter had a daughter named Ella. She was the fairest maiden in all the land, but she would never say yes to a proposal because then she would have to share her money with a man. And so she remained with her father, working good acts of service for the less fortunate. Well very few were happy with the arrival of Walter and his beautiful and independant daughter. All except for David who had fallen deeply in love with the beautiful Ella. He came to her house almost every day to give her flowers and a card voiceing his undying love for her, but every day she said the same thing, "I'm too good to be held back by a man." But David continued to call. Little did David know that Katy, the older of Molly's daughter, was in love with him. They had been friends since they were little. But with each failed attempt at winning Ella's hand, David lost hope of ever marrying her. For weeks, the good people of Hamer let themselves be bullied by Walter and his daughter. But businesses began to fail because the owners were paying a lot of their money to Walter and Ella who then gave that money to the lazy people. Owners had to let workers go and so then they were paying more becuase there were more people that Walter and Ella were paying. Finally, they decided they wanted King John to come and see what was being done. He would put a stop to it. They decided to put a ball together and arrange for King John to come without Ella or her father knowing about it. At all of these kinds of gatherings, Walter made everyone that made any money pay large amounts to get in, but the lazy people got in for free. That night, Hamer was stirring with excitment. The Hamerites were excited for their grand ball, and also the unmasking of the evil Walter and his daughter Ella. As usual, Walter posted Ella by the door to gather all the money from the "rich" ball goers. Walter stood at the entrance of the bathroom to gather a little extra from those who really had to go and would pay anything to get in. Before hand, Molly, who was a good friend of the king, had told King John of their predicament. He decided to dress as a wealthy merchant and catch Walter and Ella in the act. As was expected, everyone showed up to the extravagant ball, and unknown to Walter and Ella, came King John. Later on into the evening, King John had to use the bathroom. Walter was quick to hold out his hand demanding the "fee".
"That will be $3 sir." King John stared at Walter. The entire room was silent. Everyone but Walter and Ella knew that it was the king.
"I am King John and you and your daughter are commanded to leave this place. If those people want money, then the lazy people can go to the people that can give them money and get jobs from them and earn their money. They don't need assistance. You may now leave." And so with his head hanging low, Walter started to leave. Not wanting to leave this place where she could make so much money, Ella quickly rushed down the stairs to where David and Katy were standing with all the other people. She tripped and fell losing her shoe. David rushed to pick it up for her, not because he liked her any more, he liked Katy now, but just because he was a gentlman. She smiled at him and then turned to King John.
"I can't leave because I am dating David."
"Um no I'm not." David handed her her shoe and then walked away with Katy. But not wanting her pride to be ruined, Ella told the story differently, the way you have probably heard it today. But that was...the rest of the story.

1 comment:

  1. This was a funny version of Cinderella. Who knew she was truly a transplant Hamerite. I thought it was clever that one of the sisters actually got to have the prince. That is a fun way to rewrite an old classic. Good job!
