Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Remember(a poem from a soldier)

Remember me?
I am your brother gone to war.
Do you know why?
You are the one I'm fighting for.
Sometimes the bad comes along
And it hurts the ones you love
But it's the one's you love, that keep you going strong.

I remember. . .that day I watched the flag pass by
It's colors of red, white, and blue were mounted up on high.
I felt that surge of pride swell within my chest,
And since that day not a moment goes by I remember how much I've been blessed.
And so when Uncle Sam called his sons to fight the fight,
I joined my brothers up in arms to fight for what is right.

I remember. . .the sound of men screaming in pain and in death.
My brothers died less from lead, but more from failing in health.
The enemy was strong and determined they should win.
I knew that giving up would be giving in to sin.
And so I carried on, determined to come back to you,
But when we won the fight, some boys died- a lot, not just a few.

Do you remember. . .that day you watched the flag pass by,
To give one last salute, to a soldier gone to rest up on high. . .

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